
The idea of sustainability is aptly captured in a sentence from the 1987 Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, Our Common Future, "sustainability is development in which the needs of the present generation can be met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs".

Sustainability is an intergenerational responsibility. We are fully aware of this, which is why all our activities and production processes are well thought out.

At Polmarco, change starts with ourselves, we believe that our actions and good examples will influence the protection and sustainable use of our planet, which is key for the environment as well as for future businesses and generations.

Sustainability for Our Company means producing products in a way that minimises environmental impact while supporting the community - our contractors, customers .

The entire furniture manufacturing process has an impact on the planet from the use of natural raw materials from forests, production, distribution and disposal. In order to minimise the negative impact on the environment, we strive to act in the following areas:

1. selection of contractors, raw materials

We work with responsible raw material suppliers who provide certified material for production, which translates into the protection of forests, biodiversity and recyclability.

We work with FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified indigenous suppliers, selected suppliers of fabrics or synthetic fibre - recycled PET - which is used in our acoustic booths and space dividers, among others. Partnerships with local companies contribute to the national economy or community development.

2. Sustainable production - optimisation and automation

We produce efficiently at every stage. Cutting boards, optimising the design process, translates into less waste. In turn, automation of the ordering of semi-finished products or production processes, translates into their more efficient use, and we resell the board waste that is nevertheless generated to companies that produce pellets from them and contribute to closing the material cycle.

We produce our furniture with care, our aim is for it to last for many years, to be easily repaired, reused or recycled as a last resort.

For us, sustainable production also means segregating waste around the entire company.

3. logistics, i.e. packaging and transport

We have machines for producing cardboard boxes for our products, which allows us to accurately adapt the dimensions of the packaging to the furniture, thus once again resulting in less material consumption, significantly reducing transport costs and CO2 emissions.

By producing our own packaging, we are able to plan and optimise loading and transport more easily. We are able to use the loading space more efficiently.

We organise transport in such a way that the routes of the transported products contribute to a reduction in exhaust emissions while maximising the use of vehicle space.

4 Digitisation

We try to reduce the amount of paper used in the office year after year. We have thoughtfully designed catalogues and design furniture that is timeless and classic, allowing us to use the catalogues for a longer period of time.

We are constantly improving our website to make it clear for everyone. We provide solids of our furniture that are compatible with programmes in the process of designing office spaces.

5. we take care of the workstations

The safety of all employees, contractors and visitors to the company is a primary objective for the Board.
The health and safety policy is part of the company's long-term strategy to reduce accidents to zero. Achieving this goal is only possible through the active involvement of management and employees. Among other things, we monitor the concentration and intensity of harmful factors at workplaces. We use modern tools and machines that meet the requirements of safety standards . We also provide employees with
high-grade personal protective equipment .

6 Environmental policy

In order to systematise pro-environmental measures in our processes, we have implemented the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard "Environmental Management Systems. Requirements and application guidelines". We hereby confirm our willingness and commitment to prevent environmental pollution during production and auxiliary processes
implemented in the production of office furniture. As a company, we promote environmental awareness and knowledge among our employees, we also inform interested parties about the adopted Environmental Policy .The guarantee of the Company's environmental improvement is the implementation of the objectives and tasks contained in the Environmental Management Programmes.